Dibujo de la Anatomía y Estudio del Movimiento - Giovanni Civardi.
Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Characters - 3DTotalPublishing.
Figure Drawing Without a Model - Ron Tiner
Anatomy for Fantasy Artists - Glenn Fabry
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Drawing Furries - Stephanie Johnson.
Animal Painting and Anatomy - W. Frank Calderon.
Der Nackte Mensch - Gottfried Bammes.
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Figure Drawing Design and Invention - Michael Hampton.
The Human Machine - George B. Bridgman.
The Book of a Hunfref Hands - George B. Bridgman.
デジタルツールで描く! 違いがわかるキャラクターの描き分け方 単行本 - マイナビ出版
Curso de Dibujo de la Figura Humana (La Mano y el Pie) -Giovanni Civardi
Constructive Anatomy - George B. Bridgman.
The Complete Book of Poses for Artist - Ken Goldman & Stephanie Goldman
Drawing of the Hand - Joseph M. Henninger
ZBrush Digital Sculpting Human Anatomy - Scott Spencer, Eric Keller and Paul Gaboury.
Anatomía Humana Para Artistas - András Szunyoghy, Dr, Gyórgy Fehér.