The Animator Workbook - Tony White.
ZBrush Digital Sculpting Human Anatomy - Scott Spencer, Eric Keller and Paul Gaboury.
Directing The Story -Francis Glebas
Tattooing A to Z - Muck Spaulding
Anatomía Humana Para Artistas - András Szunyoghy, Dr, Gyórgy Fehér.
El Desnudo - Parramón.
Drawing in the Digital Age an Observational Method for Artists and Animators - Wei Xu, PHD
How To Draw Manga Computones (Volumen 1 y 2 de 5) - Graphic-Sha Publishing.
Anatomy and Perspective (the fundamentals of figure drawing) - Charles Oliver
Perfect Nudes Poses (Mahiro Yui).
Discovery Manga Drawing - Mario Galea
Super Poses Book - Gorgeous Julia
Como Dibujar Manga Vol 1 al 4
Aprende a Dibujar Comic - Volumen 0 al 8
How to Draw in Perspective - Mitch Leeuwe
Mirai of the Future - Makoto Shinkai
どんなポーズも描けるようになる! マンガキャラアタリ練習帳
Art of Drawing the Human Body
CLIP STUDIO PAINT - How to draw glitter- Glittering technique to shine gems, minerals, metals, etc.